How to Put a Pillow Under Your Hips to Get Pregnant? Does it Really Work?

May 15, 2023
Rinnie George – May 15, 2023
How to put a pillow under your hips to get pregnant

For couples struggling to conceive, the journey to parenthood can be challenging and emotional, with…

For couples struggling to conceive, the journey to parenthood can be challenging and emotional, with some finding it easier than others to conceive naturally. There are also numerous myths surrounding the best ways to conceive, making it difficult to determine which methods are credible and effective. In this article, we will explore the topic of How to put a pillow under the hips to get pregnant.

You might have seen couples using this technique in movies or read about it in novels.  However, the effectiveness of this method is still debated.

We will examine the potential benefits and limitations of this method and assess the scientific evidence behind it. By the end of this article, you’ll know about whether placing a pillow under your hips can aid in conception.

The Science Behind Pillow Under Hips

The idea of using a pillow under the hips is based on the theory that elevating the hips after sex can help many couples and the sperm reach the cervix more easily.

The position of the hips can play a role in fertility, as it can impact the movement of sperm toward the cervix. During intercourse, gravity can either assist or hinder the movement of sperm, depending on the angle of the hips.

Elevated hips during sexual intercourse increase the angle, aiding gravity in pulling sperm toward the cervix during fertilization. This can potentially increase the chances of fertilization, as the sperm have a better chance of reaching the egg.

Conversely, when engaging in sexual intercourse, if the hips are lower than the rest of the body, such as when a woman is standing, gravity can work against the movement of sperm toward the cervix. This can make it more difficult for the sperm to reach their destination and can decrease the chances of fertilization.

Using a pillow under the hips during sexual intercourse can aid conception by elevating and increasing the distance between the cervix and the vaginal canal. This can potentially assist the sperm in their journey toward the egg, thereby increasing the chances of fertilization. Here’s how to properly position a pillow under the hips during sexual intercourse to increase the likelihood of getting pregnant.

Additionally, elevating the hips during sexual intercourse can help promote better blood flow to the pelvic region, improving the health and vitality of the reproductive organs. This can increase the chances of successful fertilization and pregnancy.

The Science Behind the putting pillow under Hips to get pregnant

Does it Really Work?

The scientific evidence supporting the use of this technique is limited, and there are differing opinions among scientists and doctors on its effectiveness. Several studies have been conducted, which indicate that there is no significant difference in pregnancy rates between individuals who use a pillow after intercourse and those who do not.

Despite the lack of scientific evidence, many couples continue to use a pillow under the hips after intercourse in the hopes of increasing their chances of getting pregnant. Some experts suggest that this may be due to the placebo effect, where the act of using the pillow may give couples a sense of control and hope, which can in turn reduce stress and anxiety, factors that can negatively impact fertility.

The practice of using a pillow under the hips after intercourse as a technique to enhance conception rates has been a topic of debate among women who are trying to conceive. While some women have attributed their successful pregnancy to the technique of using a pillow under their hips after intercourse, it is important to note that this method may not work for everyone. Even if some women credit this method for their success, it does not necessarily mean that it is the sole reason for their pregnancy.

For women who tried a conception pillow without success, it’s premature to dismiss this method as ineffective. It is worth considering other factors that may be impacting fertility, as individual circumstances and biology can vary significantly. Ultimately, it is important for women to remain open-minded and explore different techniques and options.

How to Properly Use a Pillow for Fertility?

In this section, we will discuss how to properly use a pillow for fertility, also known as the “elevated hips” or “post-coital” position to improve the chances of conception. Here are step-by-step instructions for correctly placing a pillow under the hips during intercourse:

proper use of puting pillow under hips to get pregnant

Now the trick is in maintaining the ideal position after intercourse, in which the woman’s hips are elevated above the level of her heart. By elevating the hips, gravity can encourage the flow of blood to the pelvic region, which is important for aiding in conception. This position allows the sperm to travel more easily toward the uterus and Fallopian tubes, where fertilization occurs. The ideal position helps to keep the cervix in a downward position, making it easier for the sperm to reach the reproductive organs.

It is recommended to maintain this position for at least 10-15 minutes after intercourse. By allowing the sperm to remain in the vaginal canal for a longer period of time, the chances of fertilization can increase. It is important to note that this technique is just one of many factors that contribute to fertility, and it may not be enough on its own to achieve pregnancy. 

Alternative Techniques and Tips

alternative tips than the method of Pillow Under Your Hips to Get Pregnant

In addition to using a pillow for fertility, there are other positions and techniques that can help improve the chances of conception. Here are some alternative techniques and tips apart from how to position a pillow under the hips to enhance the chances of getting pregnant:

Missionary Position

The missionary position (man on top, woman on bottom) is a popular position for conception. This position allows for deeper penetration and allows the sperm to be deposited closer to the cervix.

Doggy Style Position

The doggy-style position (woman on all fours, man entering from behind) can also help with conception. This position allows for deeper penetration and allows the sperm to be deposited closer to the cervix.

Side-Lying Position

The side-lying position (both partners lying on their sides facing each other) can also be effective. This position allows for the sperm to pool near the cervix and can increase the chances of conception.

Regular Sexual Activity

Regular sexual activity, particularly around the time of ovulation, can increase the chances of conception. Having sex every other day during the fertile window (typically days 10-17 of a 28-day cycle) can improve the chances of conception.

Tracking Ovulation

Tracking ovulation can help couples time intercourse for when the woman is most fertile. Nowadays, it is possible to track your ovulation using various free apps and even from your smartwatch.

Tracking ovulation is important for couples who are trying to conceive, as it can help them determine the most fertile days of the woman’s menstrual cycle. This knowledge can be used to time intercourse and increase the chances of conception.

It is also important to communicate with a doctor about any fertility concerns. A doctor can provide personalized advice and guidance on how to optimize fertility, and can also perform tests to identify any underlying medical issues that may be affecting fertility. They can also provide information about fertility treatments that may be appropriate in certain cases.

By tracking ovulation and communicating with a doctor, couples can take proactive steps to improve their chances of conceiving and ultimately starting a family.


The use of a pillow under the hips during or after intercourse to increase the chances of pregnancy is a popular method that is still debated. The idea behind this method is to elevate the hips so that gravity can assist the movement of sperm toward the cervix. By increasing the angle between the vagina and cervix, the sperm can move more easily toward the egg.

The use of a pillow under the hips can also promote better blood flow to the pelvic region, which can improve the health of reproductive organs. It is important to maintain the elevated hips position for at least 10-15 minutes after intercourse to increase the chances of fertilization. This method is just one of many factors that contribute to fertility, and it may not be enough on its own to achieve pregnancy. Alternative positions and techniques can also help improve the chances of conception.

While there is some scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of this method, it is important to note that it may not be enough on its own to achieve pregnancy. However, using a pillow for fertility is a low-risk and affordable method that is worth a try for couples who are struggling to conceive.

Fertility is influenced by many factors, and using a pillow under the hips is just one technique to improve the chances of conception. By combining this technique with other fertility-promoting strategies, such as regular sexual activity and tracking ovulation, couples may increase their chances of successfully conceiving.

  1. Sperm & Gravity:
  2. Lifestyle changes to improve Fertility:
  4. The truth about the sexual positions:

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