How Baby Talk Benefits Infant Brain Development

May 30, 2023
Tripti Mohan – May 30, 2023
how baby talk benefits to infant developments

Have you noticed that you slow down your speech, exaggerate some words, and change the…

Have you noticed that you slow down your speech, exaggerate some words, and change the tone of your voice when you are talking to a baby? This “cutie-patootie” way of talking to infants is called baby talk or infant-directed talk. Baby talk is also accompanied by exaggerated facial expressions and gestures. Some people find it funny or embarrassing to talk to babies this way. Such people do not know that baby talk is not just funny, it is also beneficial for the brain development of the infant. Let’s understand the science behind baby talk, and how baby talk gives infant brains a boost through the article!

The Science Behind Baby Talk: Understanding the Effect on Infant Brain Development

the science behind how baby talk gives infant brains a boost

The pitch, the sound, and the pauses, all contribute to holding a baby’s attention and helping them understand linguistics. Researchers have also found that the more you talk to the baby, the faster the baby learns to talk. They try to imitate your sounds hence making cooing and other noises. The different tones and rhythms tend to regulate the emotions of the baby and help them understand yours. So it helps develop their social interactions. Overall, it supports a baby’s brain development.

The Emotional Benefits of Baby Talk

A baby’s connection to the world is through its parents. Infants hear when they are in their mothers’ wombs. So we often see parents talk to the unborn baby and even play music for the baby to hear. From that time onwards, the baby and parents feel connected to each other.

The baby talk of the mother to the little one

However, usually, baby talk begins only when you can see and hold the child in your arms. When you look into the baby’s eyes, smile at them, talk to them, sing to them, or read stories to them, they feel an emotional connection with you. They try to understand your language from your words and gestures.

Baby Talk vs Adult Talk: the Differences and Why They Matter

Generally, mothers or women, in general, are involved in more baby talk than fathers. But is it always necessary to use baby talk? Not really!

baby talk and adult talking

There is no doubt that babies like babies talk more. They enjoy the high-pitch and drama in your voice. They understand the words and language better because baby talk is usually slower and easier with short and repetitive terms. Babies are more likely to respond to such talk than to adult talk because adult talk is fast, has longer phrases, and has more complex words. It is like a child licking an ice cream with a topping over plain vanilla ice cream. The packaging is just more appealing to them. However, adult talk is also a different variation and modulation of sound. The child can learn words and sounds from adult talk too. Therefore, if a father does not want to speak to his baby, it is not a problem.

Strategies for Incorporating Baby Talk Into Your Daily Routine

Baby playing with mother: a form of baby talk.

For most people, baby talk comes naturally- you see a baby, and you start doing the baby talk! But if you are someone who has to try to incorporate it consciously, here are some tips:

Make the Best Use of Daily Routines

Any kind of routine such as mealtime, storytime, and bedtime works very well for babies. When you repeat words or phrases every day, the baby captures them pretty soon. So why not use the daily routines to repeat some words to the baby?

For example, at mealtime, you say, “ Do you want an apple?”. When you show an apple and ask this question frequently, the baby relates the red fruit with the word you said- an apple!

Or at bath time you say, “ Let’s have a bubble bath” or” The water is warm”. The baby soon understands what bubbles, baths, and water are.

Similarly, you may use several other such simple words and lines repeatedly and slowly almost every day.

Storytime is the Best!

While reading stories to your baby, you get the opportunity to mimic many sounds that you normally would not use in your day. You get to exaggerate with your mouth wide open and eyebrows raised and enact several voice modulations. Do not hesitate to read the same story again and again and every day if the child wants you to. This is because most likely she is learning words and expressions from the book. The pictures in the books also help them understand the language.

Wait for a Response

Baby talk need not be one-way. Even a one-month-old baby can respond with cooing sounds or just by looking at a thing you point. When the baby makes noise, listen to it and talk back to make it feel like a conversation even though initially neither of you understands what the other is saying.

When Baby Talk Isn’t Enough: Understanding the Importance of Varied Language Exposure

Baby talk may have many benefits as we mentioned here. But does baby talk gives infant brains a boost? A baby’s mind is a clean slate. You can enrich it with songs, stories, and even multiple languages. Many households now have people speaking more than one language.

Singing songs with babay is also a form of baby talk

Multiple languages will not confuse the baby. Their attention and cognitive skills are said to improve when they are exposed to varied languages. It might take some time for them to distinguish between the languages. However, surprisingly they will still learn the new languages with ease. There are some other myths about how baby talk gives infant brains a boost.

Debunking Myths and Misconceptions About Baby Talk

Let us debunk some myths about Baby talk and baby’s language development.

Myth: Baby talk delays language development
Truth: Babies love listening to silly sounds and seeing dramatic faces. Besides making them happy, it also helps them learn words if they are stressed, repeated, and said slowly.

Myth: When spoken to in more than one language, babies become confused
Truth: It is in a baby’s nature to learn everything he or she is exposed to. While it could be dangerous in some ways, it also means that learning 2 or more languages will be easy for them.

Myth: It is possible to teach the baby the language via TV programs and flash cards.
Truth: While these might be effective after a certain age, the best way for a baby to develop its language is through the baby talk it hears.

Myth: The use of telegraphic communication speeds up the learning of languages by babies.
Truth: Using grammatically incorrect language will do more harm than good. So when you do baby talk, always use short, but full sentences.

The Role of Care Givers in Infant Brain Development: Encouraging Language and Cognitive Growth

Not enough credit can be given to how much the caregivers of an infant influence her brain development. It is very essential to continuously communicate with the baby through words, eye contact, actions, and a smiling face. Consistently talking to the baby supports their language development, cognitive growth, and socio-emotional skills. Infants learn faster when they feel connected to their parents or other caregivers.

Role of Caregivers that gives infant brains a boost


Baby talk is a key component of early childhood development. It may sound funny to an adult who is listening to it, but for the baby, it is the door to the world of language and communication. Baby’s language development is set by slow, high-pitched, repetitious, and other exaggerated speech. So when you talk to a baby, go the “goo-goo-ga-ga” way! This is how the baby talks and gives the infant’s brains a boost.


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