7 Best Foods to Increase Fertility in Females (Expert-Recommended)

July 3, 2023
Rinnie George – July 3, 2023
best food to increase fertility in females

As the age of getting married increases, fertility issues also increase. After the age of…

As the age of getting married increases, fertility issues also increase. After the age of 30, the fertility rate starts decreasing rapidly. But by making some changes in your diet you can enhance your fertility. 

The importance of fertility is more in females than in men because men don’t have a fertile window like women. For women, the chance to become pregnant is during that fertile window.

According to scientific research food and fertility go hand in hand. Your diet has a direct relation to your fertility. Including leafy greens, colourful fruits, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your diet will boost fertility. let’s find out the 7 best foods to increase fertility in females

Dark Leafy Greens 

dark leafy greens

Nutrient-Rich Properties

Dark leafy greens contain Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, folate, magnesium, and calcium. They are beneficial for fertility. 

Dark leafy green vegetables that are easily available and could be included in the diet are: 

  • Spinach
  • Mustard Greens
  • Fenugreek Leaves
  • Pigweed
  • Colocasia leaves

Folate plays an important role in reproductive health. Vitamin A promotes the production of sex hormones, while Vitamin C protects reproductive cells from damage, and Vitamin K regulates blood clotting and supports a healthy pregnancy. Magnesium balances fertility hormones. 

Benefits for Hormonal Balance

Balance of pregnancy hormones like estrogen and progesterone is crucial to conceive. Dark leafy greens help maintain these hormones. 

Best Ways to Incorporate Into the Diet

Try incorporating leafy greens in all your meals in the following ways: 

  • Salad
  • Smoothies
  • Stir-fried
  • Soups
  • Traditional style dish


avocado fruits

If there’s one fruit that deserves a special mention in the fertility-boosting foods, it is avocado. Although expensive, avocado is a powerhouse of nutrients. When buying avocado make sure that it is ripe and ready to eat. 

High in Healthy Fats

Avocados are high in MUFA which is a good fat. MUFA is Monosaturated Fatty Acids and they are associated with regular ovulation and fertility. Other than MUFA, avocados also contain Vitamin A, potassium and folate which supports reproductive health. 

Positive Effects on Reproductive Health

  1. An avocado contains various nutrients, such as vitamin E, potassium, folate, and vitamin C. These nutrients support healthy egg development and help with reproductive health.
  2. Avocados contain powerful antioxidants
  3. Avocados maintain blood sugar levels due to their low glycemic index. Blood sugar levels do not spike after eating them which is crucial for fertility, as insulin imbalances can interfere with ovulation and hormonal balance.

Delicious and Versatile Ways to Consume Avocados

  1. Chop and mash avocado and season it with chilli flakes and salt. 
  2. Mash the avocado and use it as a spread for bread and toast.
  3. You can use sliced avocados in salads.
  4. Mix avocados in your smoothies.
  5. You can make dips from avocados. 

Fatty Fish 

Fatty fish

Fishes are not just tasty but they are also beneficial for fertility issues. 

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Fertility

Moreover, by incorporating Omega-3 fatty acids into your diet, you can experience a multitude of benefits for your reproductive health. These include enhanced egg quality, a slowed aging process of the ovaries, and an increased pregnancy rate. Additionally, for women with PCOS, consuming Omega-3 fatty acids can be particularly beneficial in facilitating conception.

Specific Types of Fish to Include

India has a variety of fish depending upon the region you are living in. We are providing examples of commonly available fishes in India that you can include in your diet for fertility benefit. 

  1. Indian Salmon Fish or Rawas: It is high in Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids and vitamin D. 
  2. Indian Oil Sardines: Sardines are small and oily fishes that are a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids, calcium and vitamin D. It not only has fertility-boosting benefits but is also recommended to pregnant women for a healthy pregnancy. 
  3. Indian Mackerel or Bangda: These are reasonably priced fishes available in the coastal regions of India. Indian Mackerel are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and selenium. 
  4. Hilsa: It is a highly-priced fish most commonly found in Bengal. Hilsa fish is known for its rich flavours and Omega-3 fatty acid content. 
  5. Rohu: Also known as Carpo fish is known for its protein and Omega-3 fatty acid content. 

Tips for Preparing and Cooking Fish

  1. Grilling or baking: Marinate the fish in curd, spices, and herbs and set aside for a couple of hours. Cook it on the grill or bake it with minimal oil. 
  2. Steaming: Steaming fish will preserve its nutrients without overcooking. Cut the fish into thin slices add herbs, and lemon juice, and cook in the steam. 
  3. Pan frying: Use a cast iron pan. Add minimal oil and cook the marinated fish from both sides on low heat. 
  4. Curry: Cook the fish in curry style by adding onion, tomatoes, ginger, garlic and lots of water. 

Citrus Fruits

delicious citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are not just delicious but they also help in boosting the fertility.

Vitamin C and its Impact on Fertility

Vitamin C are powerful antioxidants that increase fertility. According to a study, it can help increase the fertility rate by 25%. In addition, it can help improve the quality of eggs for women with PCOS.

Benefits for Reproductive Organs

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps the reproductive organs from getting damaged. It reduces inflammation because of its anti-inflammation properties. 

Creative Ways to Include Citrus Fruits in Meals

  1. Include a glass of orange juice or grapefruit juice every day in your diet.
  2. Add citrus fruits to your yoghurt or oatmeal.
  3. Use citrus fruits in salads.
  4. Make healthy smoothies from citrus fruits
  5. The pulp from juicing the fruits could be used in making pancakes

Whole Grains

whole grains foods

India is a country that has whole grains in abundance. Whole grains help in maintaining a healthy weight and increase fertility. 

Importance of Complex Carbohydrates

Additionally, the majority of the body’s carbohydrate requirements should be met through complex carbohydrates. These types of carbohydrates are not only abundant in vitamins, minerals, and fibers but also take longer to digest, leading to a consistent and gradual release of energy. 

Fiber and Nutrient Content

One can easily add whole grains to their diet as they contain fibre, which helps clean the digestive system and are also rich in various nutrients such as zinc, vitamin B, and selenium. Whole grains lower cholesterol and improve overall health.

Delicious Whole-Grain Options to Consider

  1. Quinoa– You can make porridge from quinoa or use it in your salads and soups. 
  2. Brown Rice: Swap your regular rice with brown rice. 
  3. Oats: Make oatmeal, and smoothies from oats. 
  4. Whole wheat pasta: swap refined wheat pasta with healthy whole wheat pasta.
  5. Whole wheat bread: Opt for bread made from whole wheat instead of refined flour bread. 

Lean Protein Sources

lean protein foods

Protein is an essential nutrient which is very important for fertility. Lean protein has lower fat content than normal protein. 

Role of Protein in Fertility

Protein is a building block of life- including eggs and sperm. It also regulates the hormonal balance which is important for menstrual cycles and fertility. 

Recommended Lean Protein Sources

Including some foods which are rich in lean protein is essential for fertility and overall health. 

  • Egg whites
  • Chicken
  • Fish
  • Tofu and Soy
  • Quinoa
  • Greek Yoghurt
  • Legumes like beans, lentils and chickpeas.
  • Cottage cheese

Cooking Methods to Retain Maximum Nutrients

  1. Grill the foods with little oil to retain their natural flavours and nutrients. 
  2. Baking is also a method which required very little fat. It also makes the food juicy and tender. 
  3. Marinate the food in curd, herbs and spices. Stir fry them on a cast iron pan. 
  4. Boiling legumes and eggs is a simple cooking method. 

Nuts and Seeds

nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are best  foods to increase fertility in females


Essential Fatty Acids and Antioxidants

  1. Nuts and seeds are loaded with antioxidants which reduced the bad cholesterol
  2. Essential fatty acids are the building blocks of hormones including pregnancy hormones. Include a handful of nuts and seeds in your diet to get the benefit. 

Benefits for Reproductive Health 

Nuts and seeds contain various nutrients and minerals which increase fertility in women. 

  1. Zinc is essential for fertility
  2. Magnesium regulates the ovulation
  3. Folate is important for the development of healthy embryo

Ideas for Incorporating Nuts and Seeds Into the Diet

  1. You can consume nuts and seeds as a trail mix.
  2. Add them to your yoghurt, smoothies and oatmeal.
  3. Sprinkle them on salads
  4. Grind them into a fine powder and consume them with milk
  5. Add them to the baked desserts.

Fermented Foods

fermented foods

Fermented foods are a great choice for fertility health because they have millions of bacteria which benefit the gut. 

Probiotics and Gut Health 

The main reason to consume fermented foods is their rich probiotic content. Probiotics are healthy bacteria which promote a healthy gut. A healthy gut means healthy reproductive organs. They also help with digestion, enhance nutrient absorption and support a strong immune system. 

Impact on Hormone Regulation 

Fermented foods promote intestinal health, reduce inflammation, increase vitamin absorption, and help the liver operate. All of these are important in the generation and metabolism of hormones. 

Fermented Food Options and Recipes to Try

If you’re trying to conceive then include these fermented foods in your diet:

  1. Yoghurt: You can consume yoghurt as it is or make smoothies and salad dressings from it.
  2. Kefir: Enjoy Kefir as a stand-alone drink or mix it in your smoothies.
  3. Idli and Dosa: Both of these are a staple diet in many households and it is very beneficial as well. 
  4. Pickles: Include a variety of pickles in your diet and enjoy them with rice or flatbread. 
  5. Kombucha: Kombucha started gaining popularity in the last few years. It is a fermented drink with a unique taste. Use kombucha in your mocktails or swap your regular coffee or tea with it. 


When it comes to fertility many factors play a crucial role including lifestyle and dietary choices. 

If you’re trying to conceive then making these changes in your diet is essential. 

A diet high in key nutrients and minerals will improve your chances of conceiving successfully. 

When you are trying to conceive be mindful of your diet before that. Plan your meals so that there is very little scope for eating junk food. You could prepare your meal in advance as per your plan. Chop and boil vegetables, knead the dough, and marinate chicken and fish. Creatively cook our meals and always eat healthy snacks throughout the day. Be patient and consult a healthcare professional whenever required. By keeping a positive approach towards nutrition you can increase your chances of conception and healthy pregnancy. 

  • https://fit-for-fertility.com/fertility-friendly-fermented-foods/
  • https://food.ndtv.com/health/what-is-lean-protein-7-foods-rich-in-lean-protein-you-can-add-to-daily-diet-3582249
  • https://www.acog.org/womens-health/faqs/having-a-baby-after-age-35-how-aging-affects-fertility-and-pregnancy#:~
  • https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/avocado-nutrition#antioxidants

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