Understanding the 1st Month Pregnancy Symptoms(A Comprehensive Guide for Expecting Mothers)

June 9, 2023
Rinnie George – June 9, 2023
Understand first month pregancy symptom-girl sitting in sofa with pillow

Congratulations on your pregnancy. Now that you’re about to enter an exciting phase of your…

Congratulations on your pregnancy. Now that you’re about to enter an exciting phase of your life it’s good to know what symptoms you have to go through during the 1st trimester.

Importance of recognizing early pregnancy symptoms

If you doubt that you might be pregnant then it’s a good time to get confirmation on your pregnancy because there are various benefits to recognizing early pregnancy symptoms. 

You can get timely prenatal care which would be beneficial to both you and the baby. In case there are some complications in the pregnancy they can be dealt with in the beginning itself. In certain cases, if the couple does not wish to continue the pregnancy then timely action can be taken. 

Whenever you have unprotected intercourse or your periods skip, it is always advisable to not take things lightly and get medical attention at the earliest. 

Overview of the first month of Pregnancy

The first month of pregnancy will bring a lot of emotional turmoil. You would be excited at the thought of becoming a mother and nurturing a life but at the same time, you would feel anxious about being ready to take on such a challenging role for a lifetime. Physically also the first month of pregnancy is the toughest because your body is trying to adjust to the foetus so there would be morning sickness, nausea, triggering smell episodes, fatigue, frequent urination, and breast tenderness. You also have to evaluate a couple of your responsibilities once the baby arrives and take care of financial needs. 

Confirmation of Pregnancy

confirmation of pregnancy-lady checking the pregnancy

Home Pregnancy Tests: How They Work and When to Take Them

Discovering that you’re pregnant is a joyous part of a couple’s life. The easiest method to confirm pregnancy is by taking a Home Pregnancy Test. It detects the presence of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) which is found in a pregnant woman’s urine and blood. To get accurate results try taking the test on the 1st day of the missed periods. If you don’t know when your periods are due you can take the test 21 days after having unprotected intercourse. 

When to Take a Home Pregnancy Test

It’s important to wait until the right time to take a Home Pregnancy Test (HPT) to ensure accurate results. Most HPTs claim to detect pregnancy as early as the first day of a missed period. However, it’s generally recommended to wait at least a week after your missed period to obtain more reliable results. This waiting period allows hCG levels to rise sufficiently for detection. If you take the test too early then it will not give accurate results. 

How to Use a Home Pregnancy Test

Using an HPT is very easy. Most of the kits have instructions written on them in multiple languages. But as a general guideline following is the procedure that you have to follow:

  1. Collect a urine sample in a clean container. Some HPTs provide a urine collection cup.
  2. A dropper would be provided along with the kit. Take a few drops of urine in the dropper and apply it to the strip. 
  3. Wait for a few minutes for the lines to appear
  4. Read the test results. Most HPTs display results as a line or symbol. One line usually indicates a negative result, while two lines indicate a positive result.

Although HPTs are highly accurate when used correctly, there is still a small chance of error. If you receive a negative result, but still suspect you might be pregnant or experience pregnancy symptoms, it’s recommended to take another test after a few days or consult a healthcare professional.

Also Read: How to Know You Are Pregnant Without Using a Test

Visiting a Healthcare Professional for a Confirmation Test

While HPTs are a convenient option for confirming pregnancy at home, it’s always a good idea to consult a healthcare professional for a confirmation test. A healthcare provider can offer a more accurate and reliable assessment of your pregnancy status. You have to give samples of your urine and blood. In both these samples hCG levels are measured. These tests which are performed by healthcare professionals can detect very low levels of hCG as well. Your doctor may also advise you to get an ultrasound done to confirm pregnancy. 

Common Physical Symptoms

physical symptoms of pregnancy

Missed period: The first sign of pregnancy

A missed period is the 1st symptom of pregnancy. For women who have a fixed menstrual cycle, a missed period is a strong indication of them being pregnant. For other women who have irregular periods such as women who have PCOD, whenever they have missed periods they should take a pregnancy test.

Fatigue: Understanding the Early Exhaustion

Another common early symptom of pregnancy is fatigue. You would get tired very easily by doing the lightest of work. No matter how much sleep you take you still feel lethargic. It happens because during pregnancy your body is working harder to support a growing life. Make sure to take a rest whenever you want to.

Breast Changes: Tender and Swollen Breasts

Some women experience breast tenderness during their pregnancy. Slight pain and discomfort in the breasts are normal symptoms of pregnancy. It happens due to the rush of oestrogen and progesterone in the blood. Wear a supportive bra to ease the discomfort..

Nausea and Morning Sickness: Coping With the Queasiness

Nausea and morning sickness affects most women during their 1st trimester. You might feel nausea at the sight of food. Sadly this queasiness can happen at any time of the day. To deal with it your healthcare professional may advise you on certain medications. Try not to remain hungry for a long period. Take frequent snacks throughout the day.  

Avoiding triggers such as strong odours or spicy foods may also help. Ginger, whether in the form of tea, capsules, or candies, is known to alleviate nausea for some women

Frequent Urination: Understanding the Increased Need to Pee

During the 1st month of pregnancy, you may feel the urge to pee more often. You might also leak a little while coughing or laughing. This happens because the growing uterus puts pressure on the gall bladder making you hold less pee. If you have to get up every hour to pee during the night then limit the intake of water 2 hours before sleeping. And empty your bladder each time you go to the washroom. 

Emotional and Psychological Changes

Emotional changes -sign of pregnnacy

Hormonal Fluctuations: Impact on Mood Swings

Pregnancy brings a lot of emotions. You might be laughing one minute and crying the other minute. The level of progesterone and oestrogen increase in the body suddenly during the 1st month. It is because of progesterone and oestrogen that you have sudden mood swings. 

Heightened Emotions: Crying Spells and Irritability

In addition to mood swings, you may find that your emotions are heightened during the first month of pregnancy. You may experience crying spells or feel more easily irritated than usual. This emotional sensitivity is again attributed to hormonal changes, as well as the anticipation and adjustments that come with pregnancy. Be assured that it is perfectly normal to have this heightened sense of emotions.  

Anxiety and Excitement: Dealing With Mixed Emotions

Fluctuating hormones cause anxiety and excitement during pregnancy. It is more commonly seen in mothers who have lost a baby before or who have undergone some fertility treatments. Practise pranayama, and prenatal exercises to calm your mind. Engage yourself in tasks that make you happy. Do certain things as a couple. 

Changes in the Body

changes in body-pregancy sign

Weight Gain: Exploring the Reasons Behind Early Pregnancy Weight Changes

The weight gain in the first month of pregnancy is attributed to the change in appetite. You might also be feeling hunger pangs. Don’t consume junk food. Your doctor would have given you a diet chart. Follow that chart and in case you feel the need to eat more often make sure that your food choices are the healthy ones. 

Bloating and Constipation: Understanding Digestive Issues

If you are facing bloating and constipation in your 1st month of pregnancy, then be assured it is quite normal. The hormonal surge in the body expands the womb which leads to slower digestion. If food is not digested on time then you would feel full without eating and it leads to constipation as well. 

Changes in the Skin: Acne and Pigmentation

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can have an impact on the skin, leading to various changes and challenges.  While some women have the much-talked-about pregnancy glow others may have to deal with acne and hyperpigmentation. Some would be mammas, face clogged pores because of which a pimple might pop up here and there. Hyperpigmentation meaning discolouration of the skin can also happen during the first month of pregnancy. 

Sensitivity to Smell: An Amplified Sense of Smell

During the first month of pregnancy, many women experience heightened sensitivity to smells. Common scents that were once tolerable or even pleasant may suddenly become overwhelming or even nauseating. 

Sensitivity to smells can vary from person to person and may come and go throughout the pregnancy..

Other Symptoms and Warning Signs

warning of the pregnancy

Vaginal Bleeding or Spotting: Differentiating Between Normal and Concerning Signs

Vaginal bleeding or spotting can cause concern for pregnant women. Therefore it is very important to know the difference between the two of them. Spotting is very light bleeding generally pink or brown. It is a normal symptom of pregnancy. 

Vaginal bleeding is heavy bleeding like in your periods. It is mostly accompanied by abdominal cramps and nausea. If you notice vaginal bleeding then it is a cause of concern and you have to go see your healthcare professional immediately. It could be a sign of miscarriage. 

Cramping and Abdominal Pain: What’s Normal and What’s Not

During the 1st month of pregnancy, mild cramping like the one you experience during PMS is normal. But extreme abdominal pain particularly one which is accompanied by bleeding and nausea cannot be ignored. It is an indication of something serious with the pregnancy. Rush to the doctor immediately if you experience it. Cramping can also be caused due to unhealthy eating habits. Therefore make sure to eat healthy food. Eating small, frequent meals, avoiding gas-inducing foods, and staying hydrated can help alleviate these symptoms.

Headaches and Dizziness: Coping with Common Discomforts

Headaches and dizziness are caused due to hormonal changes during the pregnancy. The increased blood volume and frequent changes in blood pressure can also cause headaches and dizziness. Applying a cold or warm compress to the head or neck provides relief. Do not consume any pain-relieving medicine before consulting your gynaecologist. 

Dizziness happens because of changes in blood sugar level. To avoid dizziness, avoid standing up too quickly. Take frequent meals throughout the day. 

Back Pain: Understanding its Causes During Early Pregnancy

Back pain is caused due to the extra pressure that the growing uterus puts on the back. To avoid back pain remain active throughout the pregnancy and practise good posture. Sit on ergonomic chairs or you could sit on a supportive cushion. Engaging in gentle exercises that strengthen your core muscles, such as prenatal yoga or walking, can also provide relief. Using a heating pad or taking warm baths may help soothe sore muscles.

Coping Strategies and Self-Care

self care strategies after pregnancy

Eating Well: Healthy Nutrition for Both the Mother and the Growing Baby

The first 365 days are the most important time for a baby in terms of nutrition. That nutrition is passed along to the baby through your food. Eating nutritious food as prescribed by your doctor or dietitian is important. Eat in frequent intervals and avoid eating large meals. 

Staying Hydrated: The Importance of Drinking Enough Water

Staying hydrated during the pregnancy is crucial to maintain enough liquid in the amniotic sac. Generally, doctors suggest drinking 4 litres or 8 glasses of water a day. You could even increase this number during the summers. For a change, you can even drink lime water, coconut water, or any other freshly squeezed fruit juice. 

Relaxation: Prioritizing Self-Care and Adequate Sleep

As you become pregnant, fatigue will accompany you throughout your pregnancy. To overcome fatigue it is important to take proper rest. Sleep for at least 8 hours a night. Take an afternoon nap. 

If you can’t fall asleep during the night, cut off all electronic devices like tv, mobile phone, and laptop at least 2 hours before sleep. You could also invest in a pregnancy pillow which will help you sleep better. 

Exercise During the First Month: Safe and Beneficial Activities

Engaging in regular exercise during pregnancy has numerous benefits, including improved mood, increased stamina, and enhanced overall well-being. But it’s very important to choose trimester-specific exercises. 

Always consult your doctor before taking up any exercise. But generally speaking, walking is a safe exercise and can be done by most women. 

Avoid high-impact exercises, contact sports, and activities that carry a risk of falling or abdominal trauma. 

When to Seek Medical Advice

lady visiting doctor for medical advice for pregnancy

Understanding the Importance of Prenatal Care

Prenatal care means the regular doctor visits you make during your pregnancy. The doctor checks your weight, and pulse, may suggest some tests, and prescribes certain medicines.  

It is suggested to visit a healthcare professional as soon as you skip your periods or suspect pregnancy so that proper care can be given from the very beginning itself. Continue to visit your doctor throughout your pregnancy because they would be able to monitor your health and suggest any precautions if needed. 

Red Flags: Signs That Warrant Immediate Medical Attention

While many changes and symptoms during pregnancy are normal, certain signs and symptoms should never be ignored. These signs are red flags and when you notice them rush to the hospital immediately.

  1. Heavy bleeding: Heavy vaginal bleeding that is red and if it is accompanied by abdominal pain then it could be a sign of miscarriage or any other serious condition.
  2. Severe or persistent abdominal pain: Mild cramping is alright throughout the pregnancy but pain that is unbearable particularly when accompanied by bleeding or fever is a concerning symptom. 
  3. Throbbing Headaches: While headaches can be a normal symptom of pregnancy, severe or persistent headaches that are accompanied by visual disturbances, dizziness, or difficulty speaking may be a sign of preeclampsia.
  4. Dizziness or fainting spells: Feeling a little dizzy during pregnancy is normal. But severe fainting and dizziness spells are a cause of concern. It may indicate that you have a low blood pressure level or any other underlying medical condition. 
  5. Too much vomiting: Morning sickness is common during pregnancy. But when vomiting becomes a problem that the mere sight and smell of food can make you throw up, it is time to consult a doctor.
  6. Signs of infection: chances of urine infection increase during the pregnancy. If you notice any itching accompanied by foul-smelling discharge then you should consult your doctor. 
  7. Intense itching or rash: Itching normally does not happen in the 1st month of pregnancy because the size of the belly does not increase. But in case you have an itch anywhere else like palms, hands, or feet it could be a sign of a liver disorder known as cholestasis of pregnancy. It’s important to inform your healthcare professional if you experience intense itching or develop a rash.


The first month of pregnancy will be the most difficult month of your whole pregnancy journey. Recognizing and understanding the early symptoms of pregnancy is important for several reasons. Prenatal care can be provided. 

Certain symptoms to look out for are missed periods, fatigue, cramps, breast tenderness, and frequent urination. 

These symptoms are normal and can be managed through proper self-care, rest, and seeking guidance from healthcare professionals when needed.

Emotionally, hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy can lead to mood swings, heightened emotions, and a mixture of anxiety and excitement.

So our dear mothers, while all the pregnancy symptoms might feel overwhelming, it’s okay if you’re not giving your 100% every day. And whenever you feel something is not right make sure to call or visit your gynaecologist immediately.  it’s better to err on the side of caution when it comes to your health and the health of your baby.


What are some common pregnancy symptoms that can occur before the expected period date?

During the first month, you will experience missed periods, fatigue, change in appetite, nausea, morning sickness, etc. Most of the symptoms depend from person to person.

Is it normal to experience spotting or light bleeding in the first month of pregnancy?

Spotting or light bleeding in the first month of pregnancy can be normal and is known as implantation bleeding. But when bleeding is excessive and accompanied by abdominal pain then you must visit your healthcare professional.

Are cramps common during the first month of pregnancy?

Cramps are common during the first month of pregnancy due to the uterus expanding and ligaments stretching to accommodate the growing fetus

Is it typical to feel extremely tired during the first month of pregnancy?

 Feeling extremely tired during the first month of pregnancy is normal. Hormonal changes and increased metabolic demands can contribute to fatigue.

Can morning sickness or nausea begin as early as the first month of pregnancy?

Yes, morning sickness begins in the 1st month of pregnancy itself. It will continue till the first trimester. Noth morning sickness and nausea will improve with time.

  • https://www.womenshealth.gov/menstrual-cycle/premenstrual-syndrome
  • https://www.nct.org.uk/pregnancy/how-you-might-be-feeling/emotions-during-pregnancy
  • https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/trying-for-a-baby/doing-a-pregnancy-test/#

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